2020.11.02 11:19世界の未来世界とか日本とか東京とか大阪とか未来を作る為には個々の人が未来を作る糧夢を見れる環境が必要だよね。でも夢見る環境は世界だって日本だって東京だって用意してくれる筈ないぢゃん。自分で泥臭く頑張って今やれる事を一生懸命頑張ってその先にしか無いよね。そんな個々の頑張りが先の見えない世界とか日本とかの未来を反対に変えてやれるって俺は信じてる。目を背...
2020.09.26 15:31Radio waveI produced and sang the theme song of the short film [Radio Wave] produced by my friend Nobuyuki Miyawaki with the members of the band who was forming the lyrics and comp...
2020.09.16 16:32staying in a car今日は神奈川から福島に400km移動し、車中泊してます( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)明日は素晴らしい景色が楽しみです。I moved 250 miles from Kanagawa to Fukushima today and am now staying in a car. I am looking forward to the wonder...
2020.09.11 10:39Lol cloudWhile I was on a diet, I took some really interesting pictures of the clouds. Found in the middle of walking
2020.08.31 22:18Autumn soundsThe climate of Japan has become comfortable autumn.I feel that the summer after the rainy season is short this year.I like autumn leaves.It takes time to take a picture.&...